Appointment-Based System

Beginning in September, Nourishing Bethesda will end its outdoor food pickups and switch to a new, appointment-based system.  As of September 8th, there will be several changes to our system:

  • You will be able to pick up food by appointment only, and you may only pick up food every-other week.

  • Clients will be allowed to pick up for a maximum of 2 different households, including your own. Each household must be a registered client in advance to have their food picked up by someone else.

  • You will come into the building lobby to pick up your food.

  • You will be asked to supply more information than before. Every client will need to share their first and last name and residential address, as well as phone number and household information such as household size and ages. Please know that your phone number, last name, and address will be kept confidential and will NOT be shared with any other entity.

  • You will also need to bring a form of identification to your first appointment.

Appointments will be available on Thursday evenings and all-day Fridays.  The number of appointments is limited, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There are several ways to schedule your appointment:

If you have questions, please call/text 301-664-4630 or email


Thanksgiving Dinner Giveaway


Summer Hours 2022