John F. Ross

Executive Director & Founder

John has led the evolution of the institution from an emergency food distribution program to its establishment as an independent non-profit and one of the fastest-growing food insecurity organizations in the region.

Under his management, the annual budget of NB has increased from $2,500 to approximately $600,000 in just three years, and our client reach is now nearly 5,000. A highly effective public-private partnership, NB has been recognized by Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen, Maryland Comptroller Brooke Lierman and other leaders.

John is a best-selling author and journalist, whose career has taken him around the world. He has written for Smithsonian, National Geographic, the Atlantic, Outside, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal. He served as Senior Editor at Smithsonian magazine and ran operations, budgets, and editorial staff at American Heritage and Innovation & Technology magazines. His volunteer activities include serving as the lead elected official of St. John’s Norwood Episcopal Church where he ran a $1.5 million dollar organization. He has spoken at NASA, the Smithsonian, the National Geographic, and the Explorers Club of New York. He has been interviewed on dozens of radio and television shows, including NPR’s All Things Considered, PBS’s American Experience, the Discovery Channel, Science Friday, and NPR’s On Point. He has served as president of the Washington Literary Society.


"We deliver more than just food — it's the care that comes along with it, too."
- John F. Ross on NPR’s All Things Considered