What is Nourishing Bethesda?


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Voice of America (Serbia)

Agence France-Presse (France)


Bethesda Big Train Baseball Talks Nourishing Bethesda

Nourishing Bethesda is a great example of community and partnership—and the kind of place we want to be and the type of people who we are.
— Andrew Friedson
One hundred percent of your donation will go directly to buying food. That’s in keeping with what Nourishing Bethesda is trying to do: get food without fuss to people who need it.
— John Ross
Nourishing Bethesda is a great organization. I’ve seen firsthand the great work of Nourishing Bethesda and its volunteers.
— Sen. Van Hollen
We’re not just handing out calories, but community, too.
— John Ross

Catch us on NPR!

We are exited to have been featured in a recent story from NPR: All Things Considered. Listen to the below clip to learn more about the work our organization is doing in the community and why it is so needed.

What we want to do out here too is show people that people care. It’s not just the calories, but it’s the care that comes along with this, too – to show that we’re all together in this, and we all need to be part of that.
— John Ross